Antromeda offers a wide range of consultancy services related to evaluation, research, and organizational learning in development and social change projects and programs.
Antromeda carries out high-quality evaluations of projects and programs using mixed methods and approaches that are utilization-focused and participatory in nature. Evaluations should be opportunities for collective learning, involve key stakeholders, encourage ownership and use of evaluation results, and thus be designed with this in mind. Methods used in the past include Outcome Harvesting, Most Significant Change, focus group discussions, participant observations, learning workshops, in-depth interviews, and surveys. Thematic areas include but are not limited to: gender equality and human rights, youth issues, democracy, refugee integration, community-led development, and policy advocacy.
Evaluations by Antromeda are informed by the OECD/DAC criteria and quality standards for better evaluation as well as principles for integrating gender and human rights in evaluations.
Research assignments for clients are carried out using mainly qualitative methods and with a focus on participatory approaches. This includes ethnographic fieldwork, focus group discussions, desk studies, surveys, and in-depth interviews. Antromeda also provides research syntheses and evidence-based policy recommendations.
Antromeda assists clients in organizational learning processes, such as facilitation of learning workshops and feedback sessions, developing guidelines and designing M&E systems including leading participatory processes to develop a theory of change and results matrix for non profits. Antromeda also carries out organizational capacity assessments and partnership satisfaction studies.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us with your particular organizational needs.